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Another b'day and some funny picshurs

Saturday, September 22, 2007

10 days since I last posted. Weirdly the visitor count increased more during this duration. Anyway the studio pics from my bro's graduation finally came back. Here's some:

The usual family pic

The usual family pic with me looking sleepy..

One eye big one eye small...but still looking smart

With the robe she stoled..not really but she didn't give it back...and she graduated in 2001

Mom looking cool

Pops and me didn't have our individual pics.

This leaves only me..

A visit to the studio wouldn't be complete with a weird pose pic..

Oh well and I thought they were suppose to photoshop me to look better.

Best pic evar

Moar pics for those who give a damn.


Here's a quickie for a friend. Happy b'day to Desmond Keo, another pilot of the many pilots at Crew and also AirAsia. I would post a pic of us but since guys don't take pics together..I'm forced to steal pics from other blogs.

If you were an autobot, then you would transform into an Airbus

When you're back we can do this again...don't you love how Kiwen looks..

You currently appear on:
Van's blog
Aya's blog
Sue's blog
and now mine since the others don't keep a blog. And also a blog which I can't speak of here.
Happy 21st and enjoy piloting. Wishing you ever more prosperity.

As told by ciel at 8:50 PM  

2 criticism:

nice pictures..!!!!!! so so nicey... -est-

Anonymous said...
1:55 PM  


ciel said...
7:33 PM  

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