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sh|ru watches : Transformers

Saturday, June 30, 2007

The movie was super cool. If you were born in the 70s-80s and had tv, then you would probably be farmiliar with the whole concept of robots transforming into vehicles. Lot's of action, chun babe and pewpew makes for a nerdgasm treat.

So let's dissect this movie a little.
The good :
guess which are the bad guys

  • Lot's of action
  • Real cool transforming moves
  • Real cool transforming while moving at 80mph moves
  • Real hawt chick with nice...err...bewbs
  • Did good modernising the bots
  • People clapped after the movie (how often do you see that)
  • The original voice of Optimus Prime
The bad :
yeap this cookie for guessing right
  • Shia LeBouf was annoying
  • Frenzy the Boombox was annoying
  • Language of Decepticons was Chinese-like (wat's up with that ching...)
  • They had to kill the black dude off..(we all know Jazz was a nigger brotha...opps spoiler)
  • Decepticons died too easily
Pros outweigh the cons so it easily is worth the nine bucks for premier week.
A friend from IF camp, Siyabonga discussed with his fellow dorm-mates how Hollywood kills the black guy in all their movies. How you could jump in the sea with a black dude in the movie Jaws and the shark would go after the black dude first so you are free to casually backstroke back to shore, provided your skin is lighter in tone. Guess it applies to this movie as well lol.
mm bewbs :D
RottenTomatoes gave it 59%
May not be very high of a rating, as all other mindless action movies. Still worth the watch. It's a guy thing. Not a movie to watch with your gf, but rather with your crew/gang/clique/bunch of guys etc.

Transformers meet StarWars. The movie would be so full of win.
  • Prime gets cranky

As told by ciel at 3:16 PM  

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